Fewer Patrols on the Sacandaga: Tell Us Your Thoughts

In an effort to save much needed funds, the Fulton County Sheriff’s Department will be pulling their patrols of the Fulton County side of the Great Sacandaga Lake. Although State Police and ENCON will still have patrols, some boaters are nervous about the effect that the decreased patrols will have on the lake. Speeding and unsafe driving are concerns for visitors and local boaters alike, and many people believe that the decrease in patrols will lead to an increase in unsafe boating.

What are your thoughts? Do you think that we will see more accidents as a result of this decision, or will the lake’s boating conditions remain unchanged? Tell us in the comments below!

*Speed Boat photo by Flickr user Ari Helminen
*Boat Safety photo by Flickr user Tech109