The emerald ash borer, first discovered in New York in 2009, is an invasive insect that kills all types of ash trees. Five counties in Western New York and two in the Hudson Valley currently have infestations and state agencies are working diligently to stop the movement of beetles out of these areas in firewood and other wood products. Tens of millions of ash trees have been killed in the United States by the emerald ash borer and all of the hundreds of millions of ash trees in New York are at risk.
To help slow the spread of the emerald ash borer (EAB), all citizens and visitors are asked to not transport firewood and to look for and report the signs of the beetle on ash trees. All should be aware of New York State’s firewood regulations which restrict the movement of untreated firewood to 50 miles, and EAB quarantines, which prevent the spread of potentially infested materials.
DEC is conducting surveys to find and cut infested trees and then chipping them to destroy the beetles inside. These crews are also preparing special trap trees in the infested areas so the beetles are enticed to stay nearby, where they can be easily destroyed next year. This technique dramatically reduces the rate of spread of the infestation and keeps it in a location where the trees with beetles in them can be identified.
How to Identify an Emerald Ash Borer
Adult emerald ash borers, or Agrilus planipennis, are a dark metallic green with a copper to purple abdomen underneath it’s wings, and grow to be about 1/2″ long.
Larvae (young EAB) are a creamy white color and can be found under the bark of infested ash trees.
Signs of Emerald Ash Borer Infestation
An ash tree that is infested with emerald ash borer will show a significant loss on foliage, beginning in the top third of the tree. This die-back will progress until the tree is bare.
Bark and Tree Trunk
By pulling off bark to reveal the wood underneath, you can determine if emerald ash borer larvae have been eating away at the ash tree. EAB larvae create networks of distinct ‘S’ shaped tunnels below the bark. Another tell-tale sign of EAB damage in the tree’s bark are the ‘D’ shaped holes that are left behind when adult beetles emerge from the tree.
Help prevent the spread of these destructive pests!
- If you are camping in our area, please buy your camp wood locally! You can find locations by clicking the last link below.
- If you notice signs of EAB infestation, call the DEC immediately at 866-640-0652.